Every team uses its own data, has its own goals, and establishes its own workflows—but no team should be an island. You need to stay connected to get the job done.
Airtable allows you to sync data across bases and from external sources to stay aligned and connected on your most business-critical work.
Airtable Sync allows you to bring records from single or multiple sources to a destination base, so you can keep information updated across your organization. In this article, you'll learn how to set up your first sync, from as many sources as you need.
Sync integrations allow you to import data from external tools like Jira, Salesforce, or Google Calendar. Connecting to external tools and services can be an important part of keeping a complex workflow functioning—and these integrations allow you to pull critical information all into a central location.
Verified data in Airtable promotes a collaborative approach to making trusted data visible and accessible for connected app building, empowering teams to work efficiently and securely while driving better business outcomes. In this article, you'll learn how your Administrator and Builders can work together to adopt verified data throughout your organization successfully.