Create workflows from your e-signature data

Install Jotform Sign for Airtable

What is Jotform Sign?

Jotform Sign is a professional online e-signature document builder and organizer. Companies of all sizes can benefit from its intuitive and automated e-signing process.

What can you do with Airtable + Jotform Sign?

The Airtable and Jotform Sign integration makes collecting and organizing e-signatures a breeze. Send e-sign documents to your spreadsheets, manage contracts and release forms, monitor tasks, and more.

What are the requirements to use this integration?



Airtable Permissions

None required

Native or iPaaS*

iPaaS only

How do you get started?

To set up and learn more about using this integration, please read Jotform's article.

*What is iPaaS?

An iPaaS, or "Integrated Platform as a Service," is a cloud-based solution that makes it easy to connect all the software you use.